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The subscriptions tool palette includes 5 tools from left to right

  • Add: Make a new subscription request.
  • Group by: Arrange the subscriptions in you list by a specific field value.
  • Filter: Access the search and filtering tool.
  • Advanced search: Access the advanced search tool.
  • CSV: Export your subscriptions list to an exportable excel file

Clearing Filters

If you are expecting to see subscriptions listed but are not, open the filter tool and then click 'clear filters'.

If you are a first-time user and would like to access business transaction documents, you will need to request a subscription. The subscription process is used to verify that a particular user is authorized to access certain business document via the CloudStreet Portal website. For specific instructions on this process, see How do I request a subscription?

Once you have requested a subscription, that subscription will be reviewed and approved. Depending on how your CloudStreet Portal website is managed, subscriptions may be approved by the Site Administrator, Customer Service Representative or Client Administrator. The Client Administrator is a person at your company that has been authorized to approved subscription requests for specific customer ids.

Some users of the CloudStreet Portal website will have a single subscription to access business documents for an organization or customer ID. Other users may be authorized to review business documents for multiple organizations or departments, and will have multiple approved subscriptions. The search and filtering tool may be used to locate a specific subscription or to list a subset of subscriptions that fit specific search criteria.

From the My Personal > Subscriptions menu, access the search and filtering tool by clicking on the Filter icon on the subscriptions Palette

You may search and filter the subscriptions by any of the available pop-up fields by selecting the desired values. The list of subscriptions will be filtered to show only those subscriptions. To re-generate the entire unfiltered list of subscriptions, clock the Clear Filters icon in the filtering pop-up.

You can also organize the subscriptions by any field by chosing the Group-By tool from the tool palette. For example, you could group the subscriptions by status so that all pending_approval subscription requests are grouped together.

Requesting a subscription is easy, and subscriptions are free on the CloudStreet Portal website. First, choose Subscriptions from the My Personal menu and you will be directed to a page that lists your pending and approved subscriptions.

From the toolbar, choose the (+) Add tool and a new form will be displayed to allow you to add your new subscription request.

Complete the form

Select the division code, document type and customer id that you wish to access. Then, select whether you wish to be notified when new documents of this type are published. Note, that notification options may differ depending on the policy of the company and may change over time. Also, notifications may happen immediately when a document is published or it may happen in batches. This is determined by our company and the policy may change from time to time

Note that you may only specify one customer id per subscription request. The customer id must exactly match the customer id published on your paper statements. You must include all punctuation, leading zeros, etc. in order for the subscription request to be valid.

Click on the Save button to save your subscription request

What happens next?

Once you submit a subscription request, it is stored as a request that is pending approval. The person responsible for reviewing and approving subscription requests will receive an alert that your subscription request has been made. This person may be a Site Administrator or Customer Service Representative at the vendor’s site, or a Client Administrator at your site. This person will check your credentials, and assuming you are authorized to view the specified document type, the subscription request will be approved.

Once your subscription is approved, you will have access to the specified document type for the customer ID number you entered.

You can check the status of your subscription request by choosing My Subscriptions from the My Personal menu. Refer to the status column in the table listing subscriptions requests. If you need immediate access to documents, call your vendor’s Customer Service department and request that they expedite approval of your request.


The term "subscription" describes your authorization to access a document type for a certain division and customer id combination. Before you can access any business document on behalf of your organization or department, you must request a subscription. All subscriptions made on this web site are free of charge.

Subscription requests are made using your customer Id , and you my submit as many subscription requests as you require. After you submit a subscription request, your Client Administrator, Customer Service Representative, or Site Administrator will review and approve your request.

You can review your personal subscriptions by choosing My Personal > Subscriptions from the menu. If you need help requesting a subscription,, see How do I request a subscription?